Weekly Creative Hour (3PM EST) Commiting to Your Practice

Thursday, 06 April 2023
02:45 PM EDT


Webinar Session has ended now.

Creative Hour with Samantha:

Cast aside your doubts and embrace your inner creator!

 This is the perfect class to give yourself permission to be held in a container of creativity.  

Every Thursday we will meet to do our own art practice while among other creatives.  Your art practice may be writing, drawing, digitally creating, reading or other; you decide.  Maybe you just want to read or sit in meditation.

Accountability and focus are provided freely.  

Looking forward to creating with you.

When can I log in?

You may check in 15 minutes prior to the start of our session and stay to chat a little afterwards.

What is it like during the creative hour?

For the session we don’t speak, but keep our microphones on.  You can moderate the sound of your volume control of course and we ask that you mute yourself if you expect to make very loud noise -- phone calls, conversations and hammering are not uncommon!  

If you do feel like you need to talk please log-in early to ask any questions. Also, stick around after the 60 minutes is up to share in conversation or reflection.

What should I create?

That is a great question. You can create anything you would like.

Some ideas could be:

-writing, journaling, typing
-painting, colouring
-​​​drawing, sketching, doodling
-modeling, working with clay, playdough
-sewing, stitching, crochet, knit
-digital creation video, photo, canva
-cooking, food prepreration

Do we share what we create?

No one sees what you do - it’s all about our own work, for ourselves, at our own pace. There is no comparisons or goals to reach. Again, this time is for you to be creative - whatever that means to you.

You can share any questions you may have prior to the session if you like. Just share your questions by email here =>   info@kwprofessionalorganizers.com

Donation: I want to make this event available to everybody. Feel free to support my work by donating what you can:  Click Here to Donate

Look forward to spending creative time with you.

Samantha Kristoferson
Whirling Rainbow