How to Declutter & Organize Any Space

Are you ready to declutter your home, de-stress your mind, and start making space for new experiences in your life?

Course Summary

Let go of clutter and grab on to happy living. Learn a tested system! It includes real-life before/after photographs.

Decluttering and Organizing spaces can lead you to feeling overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, and uncertain if you have enough time to get it all done. This course aims to overcome all 3 of those challenges, by introducing a tested method for decluttering and organizing spaces designed by two Professional Organizers who have been in the industry since 2012!  

This course covers:  

=> Learning the step-by-step method for efficiently organizing your spaces

=> Real life case studies with before and after photographs

=> Techniques for starting and finishing successful projects

=> Industry best practices to follow for maximizing desirable results

=> How to deal with emotional items

=> How to give your unwanted items a new life

There are many benefits to learning how to get organized.  You become a more focused and relaxed person to be around, especially in our fast-paced society. You will develop productive habits that reinforce this new way of living, so it's a life-long investment of your time spent learning.  Your ability to be open-minded and change your current behaviour will have a positive ripple effect in all areas of your life including work, relationships, and overall mental health.  

This course is designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes declutter their life and get organized!  You'll learn the best practices to follow when starting any decluttering project. You will see the best practices applied in real life case studies in a variety of settings including a kitchen, garage, office, and more.  

By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you feel confident in living a more organized lifestyle.

Course Curriculum

Emilio & Samantha

Mathew Morris

AMAZING! Thank you so much! The correlation between clutter and mental health is very much true. I've been pretty bummed about a lot of spaces in my home because I spend A LOT of time here now that I work from home. This course has given me the tools to start making my spaces feel like I want them to. === Some things I really appreciated from this course: Detailed & Organized --- Highly encouraging and judgement-free --- Explanations of each step --- Examples and walkthroughs --- All the extra resources! === Thank you, again for helping me make my life more enjoyable! :) I'm about to start my first project!


I was delightfully surprised with this course! I enjoyed the calm style of presentation and the thoroughness of the lessons. One can tell you guys put a lot of thought and work into this class. I had heard some of the things before, because I've listened and read a lot on organizing, but you guys had great examples and showed how to implement the tips and ideas, which made me feel like, "I can do this!" I plan to go check you out on guys are awesome!! Wish you lived near me, because I'd try and get on your schedule! Keep up the good work!


It was an excellent course for someone like me who didn't know where to begin organising. It was almost therapeutic to listen to such friendly and helpful people guiding you through every step slowly and clearly. Thank you very much.

Lauboratorium Villaveces

You guys are great! thank you so much! I am a super disorganized artist with a kid but I love esthetics and I like my house to be visualy armonic. Your lessons were clear but human, practical and doable. They were very down to earth (not just "does it it spark joy?" No offense to Mrs, Kondo) but I love the list for difficult Items all the small tricks. I am still going through the last videos but just my closet is a joy to look at! thank you because I really need the structure you provide.

Course Pricing

Lifetime Access

$47 USD


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